Our Mission
The mission of Peninsula Food Runners is to alleviate hunger and minimize food waste on the Peninsula and in the Silicon Valley area. Everyday, Peninsula Food Runners relays a wide variety of wonderfully prepared and non-prepared food to community food support organizations in both San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.
Many thanks to BKW Partners and Office Wiederholt for pro bono video production.
In accomplishing our mission, secondary benefits are realized as well.
- Help reduce recipient's food cost budget by offering the service to deliver food and feeding the clients.
- Donors are able share their wonderful surplus, and Volunteers have the opportunity to give back to their community.
- Improving access to high nutritional foods compared to fast food.
- Recipients families can spend more valuble time together by providing already prepared meals.
- Reducing food costs among seniors on fixed income. No need to choose between medicine or meals.
- Recouping a portion of the 165 billion dollars lost due to food waste.
- Recovering 15% of food surplus from 40% wasted will feed 25 million people. According to Feed America, 13% of Californians are food insecure. San Mateo County's rate is at 17%, Santa Clara County is 11%, and Alameda County is 22%.
- Reducing Household gases due to food waste in landfills (Especially, Methane gas which is 20 times more potent than CO2)
New Donors, Volunteers and Recipients are welcome. Please sign up today! Help us serve your community by giving financially please click button here: